rubygem-directory_watcher.src: E: summary-too-long A class for watching files within a directory and generating events when those files change The "Summary:" must not exceed 79 characters. rubygem-directory_watcher.src: E: no-description-tag There is no %description tag in your spec file. To insert it, just insert a '%description' tag in your spec file, add a textual description of the package after it, and rebuild the package. rubygem-directory_watcher.noarch: E: summary-too-long A class for watching files within a directory and generating events when those files change The "Summary:" must not exceed 79 characters. rubygem-directory_watcher.noarch: E: no-description-tag There is no %description tag in your spec file. To insert it, just insert a '%description' tag in your spec file, add a textual description of the package after it, and rebuild the package. 2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 4 errors, 0 warnings.