tp_smapi.noarch: W: service-default-enabled /etc/init.d/tp_smapi The service is enabled by default after "chkconfig --add"; for security reasons, most services should not be. Use "-" as the default runlevel in the init script's "chkconfig:" line and/or remove the "Default-Start:" LSB keyword to fix this if appropriate for this service. tp_smapi.noarch: W: service-default-enabled /etc/init.d/tp_smapi The service is enabled by default after "chkconfig --add"; for security reasons, most services should not be. Use "-" as the default runlevel in the init script's "chkconfig:" line and/or remove the "Default-Start:" LSB keyword to fix this if appropriate for this service. tp_smapi.noarch: E: subsys-not-used /etc/init.d/tp_smapi While your daemon is running, you have to put a lock file in /var/lock/subsys/. To see an example, look at this directory on your machine and examine the corresponding init scripts. 2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 2 warnings.